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Lima Lima Workshop

When did you start Lima Lima and was jewellery making something you've always wanted to do?

I started Lima Lima in April 2017, while I was off work on maternity leave. Jewellery making is something I've always been interested in but could never imagine making a living from it! My final project for my Surface Pattern Design degree back in 2009 was a pretty dramatic 3D acrylic sculptural jewellery piece. I now work solely with metals (ecosilver, brass, and ethical gold) after attending two beginners silversmithing courses and immediately falling in love with the process of working with precious metals.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Every single day is different! But I tend to get into my studio at around 9am after dropping my daughter off at school. I usually make a to do list for the week ahead and try to stick to it as much as I can, although there is always something that crops up and throws everything off kilter! I usually work on wholesale and direct orders till about 3, when I collect my daughter from school, then on most evenings I pop back into the studio after she is asleep and work for a few hours and catch up with admin. Juggling everything is an ongoing challenge, but as time goes by I am finding little ways to make my time more effective and to make my working life a little less chaotic!

Lima Lima Workshop

Where do you find inspiration?

I find inspiration everywhere! A lot of my work has been inspired by some of my favorite artists and art movements, such as Art Deco, the Memphis Group, Bauhaus, Henri Matisse to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, talismans, and more recently tarot cards, palmistry, and esoteric symbols.

What’s your favourite part of being a maker - and your least favourite?

This is an easy one for me. Without a doubt my favorite part is designing pieces that go on to be really successful and seeing people wearing my work, such as the Deco Ring and Palm Necklace. Least favourite part without a doubt is book keeping. I am absolutely terrible at it!

What’s the most treasured object in your home?

I have quite a few paintings which my late father made scattered around the house, these are irreplaceable and very sentimental to me.

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